
Group therapy

Source: Honolulu Weekly

by /Interview by Gary M. Kramer / 10-05-2005

Filmmaker Mike Mills
Mike Millsf screen adaptation of Walter Kirnfs novel, Thumbsucker, is a coming of age dramedy about Justin (Lou Pucci), a teenager whofs trying to kick the titular addiction with the help of his orthodontist, played by Keanu Reeves. Honolulu Weekly met with Mills and Reeves to discuss their bad habits.

What attracted you to Walter Kirnfs novel?

Mills: When I first read the book, the thing that stuck out to me was the way Kirn showed family relationships in a really honest way. It was not contrived, nor did he make fun of people. I like that kind of compassion for the characters. It echoed my family, so it quickly became a really cathartic personal project for me. Thatfs what kept me going. After a while, I felt it was my story, my family.

Is Justinfs thumbsucking an addiction, an act of regression or a metaphor for innocence?

Mills: It works on many levels. It is an addiction—a way for Justin to deal with his anxiety and fears. Itfs self-soothing. And when it is taken away, there are replacements, a series of substitutes—Ritalin, pot or sex. On another level, hopefully we can go, gI donft suck my thumb, but I have some secrets,h or gI have some things about myself that I would rather put a mask on, and if people knew this secret thing about me, Ifd be a little less lovable.h I think everyone in the movie is putting on masks. It is exciting to me when they make their shifts.

Keanu, how did you get involved in this movie?

Reeves: I was looking for work, I read the script. Itfs a great role. I liked [the character] Perryfs richness of feeling. I donft know another way to describe it. I believed in it.

Keanu, you are a big name in a small film. How was it to make a small movie?

Reeves: Ifm just here to tell the story and do the work. Ifm really happy with the film. My hopes and expectations were realized. The humanity and humor and insightfulness and intelligence—thatfs what I read, and thatfs what I experienced.

Mills: He never said gIfm special,h or gIfm different.h Working with Keanu was much like working with electricians or the grip—someone who wants to come to work. The worst thing you can do is pay too much attention to him.

So how do you deal with fear and shame?

Mills: I develop complicated careers where you have to talk to strangers. Thatfs actually a really honest answer.

Reeves: Aaay! Not well.

How long did you suck your thumb?

Mills: I wasnft a thumbsucker. I am sure I did [it], but I wasnft a prolonged thumbsucker. I had all the anxiety. I should have sucked my thumb—it would have made my life easier—but I didnft. In doing this movie, Ifve had dozens of people come up to me and say, gI suck my thumb.h

What were you both like as teenagers?

Mills: We had this crazy, rascally gangc(laughs). I really wanted to live in a whale. It seemed so fucking cool.

Reeves: I always wanted to rob a bank when I was little. It sounded like fun. The plotting, the planning, the danger.

Teenager—thatfs a big stretch in time, isnft it? In developmental aspects.

Mills: So many different phases.

What was your favorite phase?

Reeves: [laughs, blushes]

Youfre blushing.

Reeves: Of course! Thank God! Thank God, I have something to blush for. Imagine if I didnft. It would be like aaahhhh!


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